Published/In revision
Pramanik, S., Zeger, S., Blau, D., Datta, A. (2024+). Modeling Structure and Country-Specific Heterogeneity in Misclassification Matrices of Verbal Autopsy-based Cause of Death Classifiers. Annals of Applied Statistics. Accepted.
[Arxiv] [GitHub]
Tang*, B., Pramanik*, S., Zhao, Y., Caffo, B., Datta, A. (2024). Direct Bayesian Regression for Distribution-valued Covariates. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 18(2): 3327-3375. (* indicates co-first authors)
[Article] [GitHub]
Johnson, V. E., Pramanik, S., Shudde, R. (2023). Bayes factor functions for reporting outcomes of hypothesis tests. PNAS. 120 (8): e2217331120.
[Article] [R package]
Pramanik, S., Johnson, V. E. (2022). Efficient Alternatives for Bayesian Hypothesis Tests in Psychology. Psychological Methods. 29 (2), 243–261.
[Article] [R package] [GitHub]
​Pramanik, S., Johnson, V. E., Bhattacharya, A. (2021). A Modified Sequential Probability Ratio Test. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 101:102505.
[Article] [R package] [GitHub]
Completed manuscripts to be submitted/re-submitted